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Thursday 13 September 2012

Together We Pray

So it feels like a new chapter of ministry is beginning. This week I published my website entitled Together We Pray in the hopes of letting churches and individuals know what I might have to offer them.I have had quite a number of opportunities to minister in a variety of capacities in a variety of churches over the past few months and honestly, I really enjoy this type of work. Being able to resource people, to help them find what they need, or give them the tools that they need to live out their callings well is a passion of mine. I can do this as a pastor within a church, but I'm also recognizing that sometimes churches and pastors benefit from being able to call in someone else to do work that might take them a lot of time to pull together; time that is often better spent in other ways. I also enjoy being able to offer pastors an easily accessible option for "pulpit fill". It's not always easy to find someone to cover for you, especially on long weekends, or spring break and the like. But since I don't have children and I'm not employed full time, I'm often free when others are not. 

It was a lot of fun putting the site together and trying to articulate what I feel I can offer the church and writing it all out was a good way of reminding myself of the ministry that I've done in the past as well. I'm very much looking forward to whatever ministry comes my way this fall, as well as doing some projects around the house, some sewing, and grading papers for a class at CMU again. There should be plenty to keep me busy!

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